Sunday, 17 February 2013

Speed Up Your Adobe Acrobat Reader Opening speed

Hi To all The Mindbenders,

Adobe Acrobat reader always consumes more memory when it starts. The reason behind is, it loads all the plugins, even the plugins that you do not use. This trick is to remove all the plugins from the plugins directory to elsewhere. Hence, whenever you open Acrobat reader it directly opens the files without loading any plugins and the speed is just like Notepad.

1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader
(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)

2. Move all the files and folders from the "plugins" directory to the "Optional" directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste).

Also make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and not allow you to move the files).

Now your acrobat reader will load very fast and almost as good as notepad.

===(Next is what...?)===

Friday, 15 February 2013

Notepad Adda | Trick and Tips With Notepad

Hi To All The Mindbenders,
Text to Audio
1. Open Notepad file on your Windows PC.
2. Copy and paste the below mentioned code in red text:

Dim msg, sapi

msg=InputBox("Enter your text for conversion– ","DEVENDERMAHTO Text-To-Audio Converter")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

3. Save this file with any name with .vbs as extension. For eg. Text-To-Audio.vbs

4. Download Text-To-Audio.vbs

Creating Logs
Here you will learn to use notepad as Digital diary or a log book to keep record of your daily work instead of using pen and paper.

1. Open Notepad and Type .LOG (in capital Letters and press enter

2. Save the program with any name and close it.

3. Open the file again. Now you can see current date and time, This will happen every time you reopen notepad.

Matrix Terminal
In this trick i will show you to make a batch file in notepad which will act as matrix effect that you might have seen in movies.Matrix effect is basically number flashes in green color.

1. Open Noteapad and copy below code into it.

@echo offcolor 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start

2. Now save this file as Matrix.bat (name can be anything but .bat is must)

3. Open your saved file and you will have matrix effect on your screen...
4. Download matrix effect.bat

Website Starter
Trick is based on batch programming so we will use a bat file to open any website of our choice.
1. Open Noteapad and copy below code into it.


2. Now save this file as themindbenders.bat (name can be anything but .bat is must)

3. Open your saved bat file and Double Click to open it then it will open up your web-browser with website you mentioned in your bat file after start command...
4. Download Website starter.bat
===(Next Is What...?)===

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Using Google Drive As A Web Hosting Service | GoogleDrive Tips

Hi Guys,
Welcome To All The Mindbenders,
Today We Are Planning to create our very first website without paying a single rupee To Web Hosting providers and thanks to google for google drive serving capabilities...

Let's Start

Step 1.
Login To Your Google Drive Account Using Your Gmail Account

Step 2.
Create A new Folder in Your drive say "devendermahto" is created by me in my google drive
Note:- Click on image to in-large image

Step 3.
Select Our Created Folder which is "devendermahto"

Step 4.
Then Click on "more" and choose "share>share"

Step 5.
change permissions to public for this folder and then copy and paste the sharing link of this folder somewhere in your notepad.
check again that your link is similar to this link

Copy Link after changing permissions

Step 6.
Upload all your website files like index.html and images to this folder.

Step 7.
When all your stuffs uploaded by you then open a new tab and type following address in your address bar

Step 8.

With your own code,
 in your case text after and before /edit?usp=sharing
is your website address{webfolder address}

check mine

Bye Guyzzzz

===(Next is What?)===