Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Send Friend Requests Even if you Are Blocked on Facebook

Hello To All The Mindbenders,

his is an working legal trick to send friend request to your mutual 

friends and unknown people even you are BLOCKED !! 1.Get the

 person's email address first . 

2.Visit Add Personal Contacts as 


3.Here you can send friend request even if your are 

blocked by using their email address. 4.If you want to send friend 

request to lot's of friends here is an quick and easy way to do this. 

5.Open up a new notepad file,paste all your friends email 

separated by comma (,) 6.Save the notepad file with the extension 


7.This is your list of your contact files containing your friends 

email address. 8.Go to Add Personal Contacts as Friends click on 

the last option other tools there you can find upload contact file. 

9.Browse your .vcf file and upload to the facebook. 10.It will send 

friend request to your friend's by email and facebook.

===(Next Is What...?)===

How To Print Webpages To A File

Hello To All The Mindbenders,

Story:- nothing much but a small Issue When i Went to a Person house in my vacations, and i enrolled myself in some kind of govt. works so at the end the enrollment process prompted me to keep a print of my filled details.

i pressed ctrl+p button to print the webpage, as we regular do for printing our stuffs.
then in the place of select printer i choosed Microsft-xps printer and pressed the ok button to print then a new dialogue box appears in front of me asking to save a xps document.
i put the name for this xps file and saved it into my hard disk drive.

Its All End Now i can make a print of this xps file whenever i want  by opening this xps with a pdf reader.

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