Friday, 5 July 2013

HTML Tutorial Day 1


Html stands for (Hypertext Markup Language)

Welcome to Learning Goods HTML Tutorial! Here you will learn the basics of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), so that you may design your own web pages like the one you are viewing right now!

HTML is not a programming language, but rather a markup language. If you already know XML, HTML will be a snap for you to learn. We urge you not to attempt to blow through this tutorial in one sitting. Instead, we recommend that you spend 15 minutes to an hour a day practicing HTML and then take a break to let the information settle in. We aren't going anywhere!

Html Preparation

If you are new to HTML and haven't read through our Beginner's Tutorial, please take a few minutes to complete that tutorial before moving on.
Creating an HTML document is easy. To begin coding HTML, you need only two things: a simple-text editor, such as Notepad, and the dedication to follow this tutorial! Notepad is the most basic of simple-text editors, and you will probably code a fair amount of HTML with it in your early stages. Notepad++ is another popular favorite among web developers. These innovative text editors are specialized for writing simple code and they utilize color coding to help you write concise code.

HTML Background

HTML hasn't been around for many years. The first web pages began in November 1990, and back then, there were little to no HTML standards to follow. As a result, a group called the World Wide Web Consortium formed to set standards for coding HTML. We will base our teachings around these widely-accepted coding standards.

Web Pages

Here are some important facts about why web pages are so useful!
  • They are a low-cost and easy way to spread information to a large audience.
  • The provide yet another medium you can use to market your business!
  • They serve as a platform to let the world know about you!

Ward those you have to know

Throughout this tutorial, we will be using several terms that are unique to HTML. It is important for you to understand what these words mean, in the context of HTML.
  • Tag - Used to tag or "mark-up" pieces of text. Once tagged, the text becomes HTML code to be interpreted by a web browser. Tags look like this: <tag>
  • Element - A complete tag, having an opening <tag> and a closing </tag>.
  • Attribute - Used to modify the value of the HTML element. Elements will often have multiple attributes.
For now, just understand that a tag a piece of code that acts as a label that a web browser interprets, an element is a complete tag with an opening and closing tag, and an attribute is a property value that customizes or modifies an HTML element.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

HTML Tutorial For Beginners

Website creating guide for beginners

Welcome to Learning Goods  introduction to HTML and web design. This short tutorial is aimed to give new learners a little experience in writing HTML code, saving their files correctly, and viewing the completed works in a web browser. Regrettably this tutorial cannot teach you the basics of using a computer, so please be sure that you meet the following requirements:

  • Know what notepad is and how to use it
  • Are able to open up a file using Internet Explorer (or the browser of your choice)
  • Know how to copy and paste text from a webpage (important!).
Tutorial Overview

In this tutorial you will be transcribing code into notepad and then viewing it with a web browser. The code is called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and notepad is a commonly used text editor on Window PCs. HTML may seem confusing at first, but we will help you understand how it works in this step-by-step tutorial of how to make your first web page.

How to make your first webpage




<h2>My first webpage!</h2>


The above code is all that is required to create a basic web page! Now save your file in notepad by selecting Menu and then Save. Click on the Save as Type drop down box and select the option All Files.
When asked to name your file, type "index.html", without the quotes. Double check that you did everything correctly and then press save. Remember where it was saved to because you will need to open this file.

How to view your webpage in Web browser

To view your web page, you must open the "index.html" file inside of a web browser. Open up another browser window and then follow these instruction.
  1. In the new browser window, select File then Open
  2. Then click Browse to enter Windows Explorer
  3. Do you remember where you file is? Good, then navigate to its location
  4. When you find your file, index.html, double-click the file to open it inside your web browser
Success! You have just viewed your very first webpage.

If this did not work for you, please go through the steps again and follow the directions closely. If you still can't get this to work, please write us and we will get you up and running.

Welcome to Learning Goods

Today we are going to start this blog for the people who want to learn something. This blog will be going to contain EASY TUTORIALS  of all computers applications, languages and softwares. so get ready to learning something. Because Learning Goods is here to teach everything that  you want to learn.