Wednesday 14 November 2012

Find IP Address of Mail Sender

How to find the IP address of the sender in Yahoo! mail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.
Finding IP address in Yahoo! Mail
1. Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
2. Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on General Preferences
* Scroll down to Messages where you have the Headers option
* Make sure that Show all headers on incoming messages is selected
* Click on the Save button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.
5. You should see similar headers like this:Yahoo! headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ]. Here, it is is be the IP address of the sender!
6. Track the IP address of the sender

How to find the IP address of the sender in Hotmail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.
Finding IP address in Hotmail
1. Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password.
2. Click on the Mail tab on the top.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on Mail Display Settings
* In Message Headers, make sure Advanced option is checked
* Click on Ok button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.
5. If you find a header with X-Originating-IP: followed by an IP address, that is the sender's IP addressHotmail headers : name ,In this case the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
6. If you find a header with Received: from followed by a Gmail proxy like thisHotmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].In this case, the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
7. Or else if you have headers like thisHotmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].In this case, the IP address of the sender is [] (Spam mail). Jump to step 9.
8. * If you have multiple Received: from headers, eliminate the ones that have
9. Track the IP address of the sender

How to find the IP address of the sender in Gmail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.
Finding IP address in Gmail:
1.Log into your Gmail account with your username and password.
2. Open the mail.
3. To display the headers,* Click on More options corresponding to that thread. You should get a bunch of links.* Click on Show original.
4. You should get headers like this:Gmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by a few hostnames and an IP address between square brackets. In this case, it is65.119.112.245.That is be the IP address of the sender!
5. Track the IP address of the sender.

Dos ! A Complete Reference To Denial of service

Denial Of Service(DOS)

DOS Attacks or Denial Of Services Attack have become very common amongst Hackers who use them as a path to
fame and respect in the underground groups of the Internet. Denial of Service Attacks basically means denying valid
Internet and Network users from using the services of the target network or server. It basically means, launching an
attack, which will temporarily make the services, offered by the Network unusable by legitimate users.
In others words one can describe a DOS attack, saying that a DOS attack is one in which you clog up so much
memory on the target system that it cannot serve legitimate users. Or you send the target system data packets, which
cannot be handled by it and thus causes it to either crash, reboot or more commonly deny services to legitimate users.
DOS Attacks are of the following different types-:
1. Those that exploit vulnerabilities in the TCP/IP protocols suite.
2. Those that exploit vulnerabilities in the Ipv4 implementation.
3 There are also some brute force attacks, which try to use up all resources of the target system and
the services unusable.
Before I go on with DOS attacks, let me explain some vulnerabilities in TCP/IP itself. Some common vulnerabilities
are Ping of Death, Teardrop, SYN attacks and Land Attacks.

Ping of Death

This vulnerability is quite well known and was earlier commonly used to hang remote systems (or even force them to
reboot) so that no users can use its services. This exploit no longer works, as almost all system administrators would
have upgraded their systems making them safe from such attacks.
In this attack, the target system is pinged with a data packet that exceeds the maximum bytes allowed by TCP/IP,
which is 65 536. This would have almost always caused the remote system to hang, reboot or crash. This DOS attack
could be carried out even through the command line, in the following manner:
The following Ping command creates a giant datagram of the size 65540 for Ping. It might hang the victim's
C:\windows>ping -l 65540

The Teardrop attack exploits the vulnerability present in the reassembling of data packets. Whenever data is being
sent over the Internet, it is broken down into smaller fragments at the source system and put together at the
destination system. Say you need to send 4000 bytes of data from one system to the other, then not all of the 4000
bytes is sent at one go. This entire chunk of data is first broken down into smaller parts and divided into a number of
packets, with each packet carrying a specified range of data. For Example, say 4000 bytes is divided into 3 packets,
The first Packet will carry data from 1 byte to 1500 bytes
The second Packet will carry data from 1501 bytes to 3000 bytes
The third packet will carry data from 3001 bytes to 4000 bytes
These packets have an OFFSET field in their TCP header part. This Offset field specifies from which byte to which
byte does that particular data packet carries data or the range of data that it is carrying. This along with the sequence
numbers helps the destination system to reassemble the data packets in the correct order. Now in this attack, a series
of data packets are sent to the target system with overlapping Offset field values. As a result, the target system is not
able to reassemble the packets and is forced to crash, hang or reboot.
Say for example, consider the following scenario-: (Note: _ _ _ = 1 Data Packet)
Normally a system receives data packets in the following form, with no overlapping Offset values.
___ (1 to 1500 bytes)
___ (1501 to 3000 bytes)
___ (3001 to 4500 bytes)

Now in a Teardrop attack, the data packets are sent to the target computer in the following format:
___ (1 to 1500 bytes)
___ (1500 to 3000 bytes)
___ (1001 to 3600 bytes)
When the target system receives something like the above, it simply cannot handle it and will crash or hang or reboot.

SYN Attack

The SYN attack exploits TCP/IP's three-way handshake. Thus in order to understand as to how SYN Attacks work,
you need to first know how TCP/IP establishes a connection between two systems. Whenever a client wants to
establish a connection with a host, then three steps take place. These three steps are referred to as the three-way
In a normal three way handshake, what happens is that, the client sends a SYN packet to the host, the host replies to
this packet with a SYN ACK packet. Then the client responds with a ACK (Acknowledgement) packet. This will be
clearer after the following depiction of these steps-:
1. Client --------SYN Packet--------------> Host
In the first step the client sends a SYN packet to the host, with whom it wants to establish a three-way connection.
The SYN packet requests the remote system for a connection. It also contains the Initial Sequence Number or ISN of
the client, which is needed by the host to put back the fragmented data in the correct sequence.
2. Host -------------SYN/ACK Packet----------> Client
In the second step, the host replies to the client with a SYN/ACK packet. This packet acknowledges the SYN packet
sent by the client and sends the client its own ISN.
3. Client --------------ACK-----------------------> Host
In the last step the client acknowledges the SYN/ACK packet sent by the host by replying with a ACK packet.
These three steps together are known as the 3-way handshake and only when they are completed is a complete TCP/
IP connection established.
In a SYN attack, several SYN packets are sent to the server but all these SYN packets have a bad source IP Address.
When the target system receives these SYN Packets with Bad IP Addresses, it tries to respond to each one of them
with a SYN ACK packet. Now the target system waits for an ACK message to come from the bad IP address.
However, as the bad IP does not actually exist, the target system never actually receives the ACK packet. It thus
queues up all these requests until it receives an ACK message. The requests are not removed unless and until, the
remote target system gets an ACK message. Hence these requests take up or occupy valuable resources of the target
To actually affect the target system, a large number of SYN bad IP packets have to be sent. As these packets have a
Bad Source IP, they queue up, use up resources and memory or the target system and eventually crash, hang or
reboot the system.

Land Attacks

A Land attack is similar to a SYN attack, the only difference being that instead of a bad IP Address, the IP address of
the target system itself is used. This creates an infinite loop between the target system and the target system itself.
However, almost all systems have filters or firewalls against such attacks.

Smurf Attacks

A Smurf attack is a sort of Brute Force DOS Attack, in which a huge number of Ping Requests are sent to a system
(normally the router) in the Target Network, using Spoofed IP Addresses from within the target network. As and
when the router gets a PING message, it will route it or echo it back, in turn flooding the Network with Packets, and
jamming the traffic. If there are a large number of nodes, hosts etc in the Network, then it can easily clog the entire
network and prevent any use of the services provided by it.
Read more about the Smurf Attacks at CERT:

UDP Flooding

This kind of flooding is done against two target systems and can be used to stop the services offered by any of the
two systems. Both of the target systems are connected to each other, one generating a series of characters for each
packet received or in other words, requesting UDP character generating service while the other system, echoes all
characters it receives. This creates an infinite non-stopping loop between the two systems, making them useless for
any data exchange or service provision.

Distributed DOS Attacks

DOS attacks are not new; in fact they have been around for a long time. However there has been a recent wave of
Distributed Denial of Services attacks which pose a great threat to Security and are on the verge of overtaking
Viruses/Trojans to become the deadliest threat to Internet Security. Now you see, in almost all of the above TCP/IP
vulnerabilities, which are being exploited by hackers, there is a huge chance of the target's system administrator or
the authorities tracing the attacks and getting hold of the attacker.
Now what is commonly being done is, say a group of 5 Hackers join and decide to bring a Fortune 500 company's
server down. Now each one of them breaks into a smaller less protected network and takes over it. So now they have
5 networks and supposing there are around 20 systems in each network, it gives these Hackers, around 100 systems
in all to attack from. So they sitting on there home computer, connect to the hacked less protected Network, install a
Denial of Service Tool on these hacked networks and using these hacked systems in the various networks launch
Attacks on the actual Fortune 500 Company. This makes the hackers less easy to detect and helps them to do what
they wanted to do without getting caught. As they have full control over the smaller less protected network they can
easily remove all traces before the authorities get there.
Not even a single system connected to the Internet is safe from such DDOS attacks. All platforms Including Unix,
Windows NT are vulnerable to such attacks. Even MacOS has not been spared, as some of them are being used to
conduct such DDOS attacks.

If You Have Problems then i have solutions of your Problems...


Use VLC Media Player As Video Converter

Using VLC Media player as a Converter :

1) Launch the VLC Media player.

2) Click on Media and select Convert/Save (Ctrl+R)option.

3) Now you can select your desired file by using Add button on the new popup Window.

4) After selecting the file, click on Convert/Save button.

5) From the new window that just appeared, select the destination File and Profile (The format to which you want to convert).

6) Finally, click on the Start button to begin the process. The selected file will be converted to your desired file format shortly.

Vlc Media Player Converter

Installing VirtualBox on Backtrack 5 R1,R2 or R3

If you have backtrack installed on HDD or dualboot you can install virtualbox into Backtrack.. The commands are listed below:
Follow My Steps:
Step 1.
Open Your Terminal
and type the exact commands (text in red) 

root@bt # prepare-kernel-sources

root@bt # cd /usr/src/linux

root@bt # cp -rf include/generated/* include/linux/

Step 2.
Open Up A New Terminal
After this is done, edit /etc/apt/sources.list as shown below and download virtualbox

root@bt # echo deb lucid contrib non-free >> /etc/apt/sources.list

root@bt # wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

root@bt # apt-get update

root@bt # apt-cache search virtualbox

root@bt # apt-get install virtualbox-4.0

Open Your Virtual Box By Navigating 
Applications > System Tools > Oracle VM VirtualBox


Welcome Readers,
How to install Linux / UNIX *.tar.gz tarball files
How do I install tar.gz files under Linux?

A. tar.gz also known as tarball, an archive format for electronic data and software. Most Linux tarball contains a source code for software. If you are new to Linux I recommend using apt-get, rpm and yum command to install all binary packages.

Tarballs are a group of files in one file. Tarball files have the extension .tar.gz, .tgz or .tar.bz2. Most open source software use tarballs to distribute programs/source codes.
 1: Uncompress tarball

To uncompress them, execute the following command(s) depending on the extension:
root@bt:  tar -zxvf file.tar.gz
root@bt:  tar- zxf file.tgz
root@bt:  tar -jxf file.tar.bz2
 root@bt: tar -jxf file.tbz2

Now change directory
root@bt: ls
root@bt: cd path-to-software/

2: Build and install software

Generally you need to type 3 commands as follows for building and compiling software:
root@bt:# ./configure
root@bt:# make
root@bt:# make install


    ./configure will configure the software to ensure your system has the necessary functionality and libraries to successfully compile the package
    make will compile all the source files into executable binaries.
    Finally, make install will install the binaries and any supporting files into the appropriate locations.

3: Read INSTALL / README file

Each tarball comes with installation and build instructions. Open INSTALL or README file for more information:
You can use kate or gedit txt editor for open readme and install file
gedit txt editor is come with Backtrack
kate you can install with this command:
root@bt:~# apt-get install kate

Android Secret Codes Know Your Android


Your Android smartphone has many interesting features that you may be unaware of.
Here are some codes that can help unveil the hidden features of your Android phone.(text in red are Code)

This code brings you some interesting information about your phone and battery.

This code makes a factory data reset. It resets the google account data in your phone and removes all the downloaded applications.

This code can be used for factory format . It removes all files and settings from the internal memory. It reinstalls the phone firmware.
Think twice before applying this code as there is no way to cancel it.

This code displays information about your phone camera.Do not select any option from the list as this can remove the camera firmware.

This code can be used to configure the 'End Call/Power' button action. By default,long pressing the button shows a screen with options -Silent mode, Airplane mode and Power off.
You can configure direct 'power off' on this button.

This code pops up a File copy screen where you can backup all your media files like Images,Sounds,Videos and Voice memo.

This code gives you access into the Service mode.

Shows WiFi MAC address.

GPS test.

Bluetooth test.

Shows Bluetooth device address.

launches GTalk Service Monitor.

Various Factory Test codes: 

Packet Loopback. 

LCD test. 

Melody test. 

Vibration and BackLight test.

Touch screen test. 

Proximity sensor test. 

RAM version.

All the codes are tested and found to be working.

Get Custom email ID of your choice

Hello Friends, Once again i am available for you 
Let's look at the advantage of owning such a custom email id.
Most of you won't be having a perfect email id with your name on the major email services like gmail, yahoo etc.. 
If your name is John smith, u won't get the
Instead you will have to be contented with johnsmith123@gmail.Com. It dosen't sound cool and people will have trouble remembering it.
Now you can get a custom domain name email address of your choice which you always dreamt of.
One of the biggest email company, has provided over 200 domain names from which you can make your mail IDs.This is for the first time they are providing such an offer to have a domain name that suits your profession or fancy. Some interesting ones are,,,,,,,,,, 
and much more.
Check the full list of available domains on their registration page.
Visit Now

it only takes a few minutes to get started. So grab your desired email id before somebody else reserves it! 
And Fill The Required Details And Get Your Custom Mail Address...

How To Fix Black screen after startx In Backtrack 5

insert the DVD-live or your bootable backtrack media(live)

in the grub press TAB to edit boot

you well see somthing like this file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz

add xforcevesa noapic noapci nosplash irqpoll -- 

after initrd.gz

So All Done And Wait For My Next Tutorial...

ok i well explain it for you ..

bt5 is beseid on ubuntu 10.4 am i correct ?


ubuntu 10 had a problem in old intel and nevedia cards..


when you install xorg-server >>this is before installing gnome or kde ..
you need to install vesa-driver pakage ,,so if you had a problem with the vesa driver (or it dosent work)

you well need to edit the boot or kernel parameters to solove the problem ..

so you need to add the parameter XFORCEVESA this well force vesa-driver to work


the parameter NOPIC well STOP APIC service coz maybe its the problem

APIC service is for i/o your monetor ,keyboard, etc..

so on and so fort ..

i hope i cleared it out ..

Ask Me If You Have Doubts...

Create Your Own Personal Google Chrome Theme

No Need To Read Anything Just Click on The Link Below And Create The Theme...

If Any  Occures during your Chrome Theme Creation Period...Ask In Comments.

How To Change Mac Address oF your Machine in Backtrack Or Linux Distros

Hi To All The Mindbenders Readers, Once Again i'm Back With My New Tutorial on Changing Your Machine's  MAC Address.
In My Last Post I Explained The Importance Of Ip Address And Changing Your Machine Ip Address.
So If You Want to Learn What Ip And Mac address is then You Don't Have To Read Bulky books...
I am Not Explaining ip Addressing or Mac Here in the Post...
But can Give You A Small Idea About What Really Is it...

We Can Compare Our Ip Address to our Mobile No, As ip Address Can be Changed or can remain Static So As Our Mobile No. Are. One Can Change No. At any Time or can Apply(buy) For Forever.

And The Second Comparison is of Mac Address And IMEI no.
For Me Both(Mac Address And IMEI) Are Given By their manufacturers.
And Can Be Used To Trace Back The Device...

i Think its Enough For Brushing Up Your Knowledge. :D

Coming To the Point 
follow my Steps:

Step 1.
 Open Up Your Terminal...
and Use The Commands(text in red)

root@bt:~# ifconfig -a

You will now see a list of network interfaces, chipset details and their mac addresses. Pick the ID which corresponds to your network card you want to spoof the MAC address on. In this example I will be use “eth1″
First we need to bring our interface down. To do this we type the following command into the shell or terminal(text in red):

root@bt:~# ifconfig eth1 down

To change your MAC address type the following command(text in red) into the shell window swapping out 11:22:33:44:55:66 for the MAC address you want to use:

root@bt:~# macchanger –mac 11:22:33:44:55:66

Now we need to bring our interface(eth1) back up. To do this we type the following command(text in red) into the shell:

root@bt:~# ifconfig eth1 up

To verify our newly assigned MAC address we can query the interface again using Following Command (text in red):

root@bt:~# ifconfig -a

And Check For Your eth1 Mac Address...
Start Your Penetration Testing Or Whatever You Want Without A Hidden Eye On You...

How To Change IP Address Of your Machine Without Any Software In Backtrack 5 Or Any Linux Distros

Like All Computer G33ks We Love Our Terminal And command Our Terminal To fulfill our Goal...
So Today's Goal is To Change Our Ip.
Because We Know That Internet protocol address can help the security professionals our server admins to identify us that who we are and where we are.
The Most Common Site Which is designed to track our activities is none other than google god... or you can say that Google Maharaj.

Steps To Follow For Changing IP Address Of Your Machine.

Step 1.
We Want to See Our Origional ip Address on the network in this step.
Open Your Terminal and type the command in red text.

root@bt:~# ifconfig

now you can see your ip adress and interface(wlan or eth1 etc.)

Step 2.
Then Let's Start Changing Our ip Address, but before that we have to identify our interface (eth0,eth1,wlan0,mon0) mine is eth1
 So Assume that Your Interface is eth1 you can replace it with your own... Don't copy Paste Learn The Process...
remember to change the interface with your own interface, but the method is same as below...

ifconfig your interface new ip adress

To Change Ip Type Following command in Terminal only type text in red.

root@bt:~# ifconfig eth1

Step 3.
Now Check The IP Address of your machine by ifconfig(text in red)

root@bt:~# ifconfig

Record Your Own Desktop in Backtrack 5 using RecordMyDesktop Directly From Your Terminal

Very Quick And Sharp Tutorial To Show you The Power Of Terminal...

Open terminal and type (text in red):
root@bt:~# recordmydesktop --follow-mouse --no-sound --output=/root/themindbenders.ogv

When You Want To Finish Your Video Simply Press These Two Keys 
Hold Ctrl and then Press C (ctrl+c) Key and wait for encoding Process...

And At The End Navigate To Your Root or home folder to collect Your Captured Video...

As Some Of You Have Some Lack of confidence then don worry friends Ask me like a N00b...

How To Fix Audio control issue on BackTrack 5 using pulseaudio

The Audio fix for backtrack 5 is pretty simple.
1. Navigate to System > Preferences > Startup Applications on the main menu.
2. Click on Add.
3. Give a name Themindbenders.
4. For Command, type /usr/bin/pulseaudio
5. Click on Add, and then on Close.
6. Logout to close the X session, and restart it by typing startx
7. After login again go to System > preferences > sound
8. unmute sound

Now Enjoy Music With Mindbenders...
If you Have Any Query,Doubts & Blah Blah Then Comment Below To Get What You Really Want...

Fixing WICD Network Manager Error Message in Backtrack 5

WICD Network Manager first time in backtrack 5 R1 or R2

 Set up your networking is using the WICD Network Manager, you can find it in the menu:

Menu > Internet > Wicd Network Manager

NOTE: Notice that when starting WICD you will get an error:

Could not connect to wcid s D-Bus interface.Check the wcid log for error messages.

In order to get rid of this error you have to reboot Backtrack, than BEFORE starting WICD open up a terminal and type in the following:

root@bt:~# dpkg-reconfigure wicd
root@bt:~# update-rc.d wicd defaults

Now after a reboot the error should not occur anymore.

Hope You Liked The Way Of Fixing Wicd Error In A Cheap Way...